Main article: Academic ranks in Australia Maître Assistant, classe B (أستاذ مساعد قسم ب), equivalent to Lecturer or Assistant professor (Level B).Maître Assistant, classe A / Maître Assistant hospitalo-universitaire, classe A (أستاذ مساعد قسم أ/أستاذ مساعد إستشفائي-جامعي قسم أ), equivalent to Lecturer or Assistant professor (Level A).Maître de Conférences, classe B / Maître de Conférences hospitalo-universitaire, classe B (أستاذ محاضر قسم أ/أستاذ محاضر إستشفائي-جامعي قسم ب), equivalent to Associate Professor (Level B).Maître de Conférences, classe A / Maître de Conférences hospitalo-universitaire, classe A (أستاذ محاضر قسم أ/أستاذ محاضر إستشفائي-جامعي قسم أ), equivalent to Associate Professor(Level A).Professeur / Professeur hospitalo-universitaire (أستاذ / أستاذ إستشفائي-جامعي ), equivalent to Professor.These ranks are issued stepwise by the MoHE after some procedures, a period of service and conditions. Ranks in universities of Albania are listed below according to the Ministry of Education (Albania). Term of address in general: ostād or استاد Albania Distinguished Professor (in Pashto لوی پوهاند).

Therefore the term "academic rank" usually means the same as "position in academia". In most cases, the academic rank is automatically attached to a person at the time of employment in a position with the same name, and deprived when a working relation is expired. Among the common ranks are professor, associate professor ( docent), assistant professor and instructor. The academic ranks are specific for each country, there is no worldwide-unified ranking system. The academic ranks indicate relative importance and power of individuals in academia. Academic rank (also scientific rank) is the rank of a scientist or teacher in a college, high school, university or research establishment.