引用自 Diarmuhnd:Hmmn, there was a fix for this sort of thing a while back. I'm not sure how you can defend Undead Labs for having game data that is not saved in case of an issue like this, and how do you defend it? So people can't "cheat" and trade game saves? So people can't make back-ups in case a survivor/community dies? What hill are you going to die on for them? In fact, does anyone know WHAT the save game files contain? So far it seems like only the Legacy Boons are saved. So what you're saying is that spending hundreds of hours playing to get weapons, limited time items, maxing out skills, is not going to allow for several hundred more hours of playthroughs in the future? Being "Overly dramatic" about having spent hours at a time finding the survivors to start new communities for all that time leading to you back in the menu flipping through hundreds, if not thousands of survivors looking for a new starting point is "what the game is" to you? Not to mention the loss of collectible clothing - which is also not in the game save files. Are you trying to claim that the several hundred hours was purely prepwork for a playthrough that lasts only several to a dozen hours? Yeah, overly dramatic. It’s right at the base of the giant statue of Lord Shiva, below the carving of Nandi.引用自 Zajaka:Well considering all the time invested is gone now, it was wasted - no dramatics, just facts here buddy. The dagger is in the center of the throne room, right ahead of you when you first enter. The flask is in on the left side of the room in some deep water, behind a couple of rocks that are sticking out of the water. When you first enter the throne room, turn to the left. You’ll find the candlestick in the back left corner of the room with the statue and all the pillars. After some climbing, you’ll find your way to the top of the waterfall that feeds the deep pool. When you surface on the other side, climb out into the natural alcove on your right to find the hourglass. From the room with the deep pool, you’ll have to move a root to swim through a tunnel. Look for some ferns hanging over the water. The incense burner is underwater, so it’s a little tough to find. Stick to the left side of the room (that is left based on the way you were facing when you entered).

When you hit the water, turn around and swim back under where you jumped from. The next room you enter has a deep pool of water you jump down into. It’s on the far side of the room, on the floor at the base of the shelves. The breadbox is in the first alcove on the left when you enter.

The next two treasures are both in the library - the next room you enter after the cenote. The mouthpiece is underwater in a narrow crevice against the wall. When you surface in the cenote room, turn to the left. The box is really easy to miss, but don’t swim down into the tunnel until you find it, because you can’t come back. It’s between the tree in the half wall in the shallow water. The first room you drop into inside is the well room. The bell is right behind the statue of Lord Shiva. At the top of your long and dangerous climb, you’ll find a lot of stairs that lead up to the entrance to Belur. There’s a small alcove you can get to from the base of the second waterfall (after the hallway - you have to backtrack a little). After some dangerous jumping, you’ll have to walk through a hallway behind two waterfalls. After the big fight with the insurgents, you’ll go back outside.